02 April 2009

The thrill of the hunt (not so much)

The lease we have on our Honda Pilot is over on June first. What does it all mean, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It means that we can either: a) Buy the Pilot outright and pay what we still owe on it, b) Turn the keys in on June first and buy or lease another car, or c) Turn the keys in, not get another vehicle and make due with the Civic.

With "c" being a money saving but not very practical option, we probably won't do that; though I have mentioned it to Valerie. We were planning on option "a" to pay it off and we could own it outright in a few years. As it turns out, our payment on the Pilot would be about the same as it would be if we bought a brand new car! So, we are on the market for a new car, and instead of just going to the Honda dealership like we usually do, we are really exploring our options right now.

I don't like buying new cars. In fact, I would rather buy a new house than a new car. I don't like all the negotiating, sitting in a small room, not really knowing what the heck is going on. Then at the end if it all, I wonder if I really got the best deal, or did I get swindled. At least when we bought our house, we had a realtor on our side to help us with the offers and whatnot. Now that's an idea! Car "Realtors" to help us consumers get the best deal! It's about time the buyers have someone on their side. That's what I'm talking about!

We are looking at several different kinds of vehicles, and are mainly focused on GM and Chrysler products. They really look nice and it seems like they are making great strides to win back the trust and confidence consumers used to have in them. Hopefully, it is not too late. They have some great deals on a lot of their vehicles and it is well worth taking a look at what they have to offer. Valerie and I are going out this Saturday to test drive some vehicles to get the ball rolling on the hunt for a new car. Hopefully, we will come out with our sanity still intact.


  1. Luke, I wish you the best in finding the right new car for you and your family! Just thinking about finagling/negotiating gives me hives and leaves me short of breath. And its not reassuring that just by driving a new car off the lot, it loses a significant portion of its value!
    It's like the public can't win! We need democracy: This is a second cry for CAR REALTORS!

  2. P.s. when I post a comment, I need to do a 'word verification.' The word was "Cousin!"

  3. Ahhh! I am already stressed out and we haven't even started!



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