Hooray! Our tomato plants have started to grow! I don't know why I feel such a sense of accomplishment, they did all the work. I am really nervous now about accidentally killing them. Before when it was just a pile of dirt I was watering, I didn't really think about it too much. Now that there a little plants looking up at me and I feel much more responsible for their survival. I have had to bring them in off the porch the last couple of nights because the temperature has been below freezing. It is quite exciting, though, and I can't wait until it is time to transport them into the ground outside. Ari is excited too about the new little ones, he likes to count them. I'll keep updating as we progress on our first gardening adventure.
They're nice! What kind of tomatoes did you plant? These little guys are in good hands. Can't wait to watch the progress along with you!